Electric Bicycles, the weapon against pollution


In the battle against climate change, electric bikes are doing their bit

The battle against pollution is essential at a time when climate change is, according to experts, about to become irreversible.

The bicycle is a fantastic means of transport, especially to move around the city, as it is healthy and does not pollute the environment.

This means of transport is in constant evolution. Therefore, despite the fact that traditional models still carry weight, electric bicycles or e-bikes, which are the same as a traditional model, are gaining ground, incorporating an electric motor that helps pedalling.

The energy reaches the engine thanks to a battery that is charged by the electric grid or even by solar panel. When the sensor detects that you are pedalling, it starts the engine, thus helping to overcome uneven ground or long distances, and when you stop pedaling, the engine stops.

The demand for this type of bicycle has grown a lot in recent years, as the advantages of this type of bicycle are becoming well known, such as its economy compared to cars or motorcycles, the fact that they do not cause any pollution, and that thanks to its electric motor, it provides comfort for pedalling and travelling long distances or uphill, without the need to make great efforts.